UX/UI | Digital Projects Case Studies links
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Website and digital communication Evostars
Concept and Design UX/UI Website Evostars - IT Italian company
UI/UX Design Evostars Website
AirNav Website
Communication Concept and UX/UI Design product
ENAV Group
Mela Works UX/UI Mobile App Proposal
UI/UX Design Mela Works Mobile App
UI/UX Design Mela Works Mobile App
Website House4Crowd
Ui/UX - Web Design and Communication
Ui/UX - Web Design and Communication
Demo proposal for Guida Michelin and Trenitalia
Tax Refund - Design and Communication Proposal
Web Design, Concept and Communication
Transcash - Design and Communication Proposal
Web Design , Concept and Communication
Minisite Cobrand Eagle Pictures - Film: American Hustle
Minisite Cobrand Eagle Pictures - Film : American Hustle
Advertising, Art Direction, Web Design, UI/UX
Cobrand FOX CHANNEL - Homepage virgilio.it
Communication project proposal, for the Italian Fox channels on Sky satellite platform. The project's aim to give visibility to new programming on channels fox the new year. It was then carried a cobrand for this purpose.
Advertising, Art Direction, Digital Art
Communication proposal - Superflash Live Banca Intesa
Communication project proposal for the customer Banca Intesa, initiatives related to the promotion of the paper superflash.
Advertising, Art Direction, Digital Art
LA7 Sales - web portal video tv LA7
concept of communication, information architecture and graphics on historical video archive for TV La7 on behalf of Matrix spa
Art Direction, Graphic Design, UI/UX
Mobile WindowsPhone7 App proposal for LA7 tv
Mobile WindowsPhone7 App proposal for LA7 tv.
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
iPad, Inail App
User Interface Design, Icon Design, Interaction Design, Art direction for an iPad application for INAIL, graphic display statistics.
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Roma Capitale WindowsPhone7
Mobile application for windowsphone7 for "Roma Capitale" (Rome Town Hall), on generic information services.
Graphic Design, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Cec Pac, web app for certified mail
Cec Pac, web app for certified mail.
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Progetto di proposta website per Isvap - Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni Private e di Interesse Collettivo.
Graphic Design, Information Architecture, Web Design, UI/UX
Cubovision Mobile proposal App
Mobile App proposal for Cubovision ( Telecom Italia ).
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Mobile iPhone App, Carabinieri
Mobile iPhone App proposal for forces of 'order of Italian military police ( Carabinieri ).
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Comune di Milano iPhone App Proposal
Proposal for an iphone application on some services for the municipality of Milan.
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Rai iPhone App proposal for TV guide
Rai iPhone App proposal for TV guide. Year 2010
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Honda Italia, store locator iPhone App proposal
Honda Italia, store locator iPhone App proposal.
Art Direction, Interaction Design, UI/UX
Cral Telecom Italia proposal
Cral Telecom Italia creative proposal home page.
Art Direction, Creative Direction, Graphic Design
TIMB (Telecom Italia Media Broadcasting)
Graphics proposal and concept for corporate website for Timb, Telecom Italia Media Broadcasting.
Art Direction, Information Architecture, Web Design
Web Docenti website proposal
"Web docenti", is a portal web site for communication between teachers, in the Italian territory chaired by the Ministry of Education.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Product Design
Paninodautore.it ( Negroni )
Institutional blog about cooking sandwiches prepared by the greatest Italian cheff.
Art Direction, UI/UX, Web Design
Institutional website, phenofarm a company that sells natural products chemist.
Architecture, Art Direction, Web Design
Confindustria minisite flash intro
Design and development of a Intro flash minisite for the centennial of Italian Industrial Confederation.
Graphic Design, Web Design, Web Development
Shared Service Center, Institutional website
Institutional Website of Shared Service Center, an Information Technology Group Telecom Italy.
Architecture, Art Direction, Web Design
Trova no profit ( Telecom Italia )
Web design Proposal for Trova no Profit.
Architecture, Art Direction, Graphic Design
Bevi responsabile - Birra Peroni
Participating in a race for the Peroni beer on draft campaign "beviresponsabile".
Art Direction, Branding, Web Design
Rosysite, photographer portfolio
A series of flash website portfolio for photographers.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Web Design
Lidia Vitale Actress Portfolio
Personal website portfolio of Lidia Vitale, a great actress and a dear friend of mine.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Web Development
Piero Pirelli Institute
Institutional website of 'Institute Association piero pirelli.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Web Design
Prysmian Cables and System
Institutional portal for Prysmian Cables, by Pirelli.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Web Design
TIM - South American Meeting
Website for the "Annual meeting with the Financial Community" event, in South America.
Art Direction, Creative Direction, Web Design
Telecom Italia web design internet project
Proposals and graphic design and web design in my period of employment in Telecom Italia Comunication. From 2003-2009
Art Direction, Digital Art, Web Design
Intranet project Telecom Italia
Proposals and graphic design and web design in my period of employment with the provision in Telecom Italia. From 2003 to 2009
Art Direction, Information Architecture, Web Design
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